USDC comes to AO, Quantum launches, 1.6M $AO minted

GM! Welcome to this week's Arweave Weekly Digest, where we give you the latest updates in the Arweave and AO ecosystem. This was a big week for DeFi, with announcements on stablecoins and bridging, as well as milestones hit for $AO accrued. Let's get into it.


Welcome to this week's Arweave Weekly Digest, where we give you the latest updates in the Arweave and AO ecosystem.

This was a big week for DeFi, with announcements on stablecoins and bridging, as well as milestones hit for $AO accrued.

Let's get into it.

🌉 USDC comes to AO

Screenshot of showing a token swap from USDC on Ethereum.

AOX, a bridge for cross-chain assets to AO recently added support for $USDC.

This is big news as it's the first asset on AOX which can be bridged from Ethereum, meaning users can now directly bridge their other assets to $AO.

It can currently be swapped for AOX's wrapped AR, or Ethereum-wrapped USDC.

AOX is currently in beta and has the backing of everVision, a big name in the original DeFi scene for Arweave.

🔁 Astro Labs launches Quantum

Screenshot of the Quantum logo and text "Quantum". Text underneath reads "Bridge your Arweave to AO using Quantum".

While AOX have been advancing Ethereum native transfers as of recent, Astro have unveiled Quantum - a bridge for Arweave assets to AO.

Using Quantum, users will be able to bridge their $AR to AO as wrapped AR ($wAR), whilst still accruing any $AO tokens they would earn from holding AO.

Quantum is open and transparent, and using an "advanced MPC custodial infrastructure".

Quantum will first be tested in a closed beta, followed by an open public beta.

💻 AO tokens hit 1.6 million

Shows number of tokens minted out of 21 million. 1,686, 175 / 21M.

AO tokens can currently be accrued by users in two ways - by bridging $stETH to AO, or by holding $AR.

This week AO announced that 1.6M tokens have been minted to users - and these are directly received by those who bridged assets or hold $AR.

100% community.

$AO tokens are currently not transferable until ~February 2025.


Wei Dai posted a thread on X/Twitter explaining AO the computer in Ethereum lingo. If you're familiar with Ethereum or just a crypto native who wants to wrap their head around AO more clearly, check it out here.

The Longview Insider Update

We're working hard on a social leaderboard and coordinating with other projects in the ecosystem. We also have some fun mashups planned for the upcoming AO games event!

Want to attend Arweave Singapore event? Sign up here.

Thanks For Reading!

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The Longview Team

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