Today, you're likely renting your own data through a subscription.
What happens if you're no longer able to pay rent? You get evicted. Not fun. And especially not ideal for all of those photos that you want future generations to enjoy. Arweave solves this.
Arweave makes it possible to simply pay once and store any type of data permanently.
Storage costs have been dropping by 30% per year historically, but Arweave conservatively assumes only a 0.5% decrease in costs. If costs decrease more than that, you get storage beyond the promised 200 years.
Arweave is like a time capsule for the internet. It powers what's called the
Files are stored on thousands of computers worldwide, whose owners are rewarded with Arweave's
Arweave in Numbers
of all fees goes to the
total amount of $AR
to store 1 GB of data permanently.
Arweave makes it possible to share memories with future generations, connecting our loved ones across time.
No more dealing with hard drives or wrestling with cloud accounts every time you get a new device. It's permanently stored.
Content on Arweave is usually replicated ~60 times, far more than the ~4 copies by typical cloud providers.