Temporary Storage, AOS Web, and the Hyper Parallel Shuttle Tour

GM! Welcome to this week's Arweave Weekly Digest, where we look at the biggest happenings in the Arweave and AO ecosystem over the last week. This week we got info on temporary storage for Arweave (!), a web client for AOS, the HyperParallel2024 Asian Tour, and more.


Welcome to this week's Arweave Weekly Digest, where we look at the biggest happenings in the Arweave and AO ecosystem over the last week.

This week we got info on temporary storage for Arweave (!), a web client for AOS, the HyperParallel2024 Asian Tour, and more.

Let's get into it.

Weekly Digest

🐘 Temporary storage is coming to Arweave

ArFleet logo and text "ArFleet" in centre. Small Arweave logo and text "Arweave" in the top right hand corner.

Some data needs to be stored permanently.

Some data doesn't.

Sam Williams, founder of Arweave, announced ArFleet last week.

ArFleet will act as temporary storage built on AO (with proofs of storage settled on Arweave).

This is important news, as some would argue that the markets for permanent storage and temporary storage are different. By offering permanent storage + temporary storage + Permaweb, as Sam puts it, is creating a "full stack decentralized web".

Compute in a decentralized manner, store data in a decentralized manner, and have it indexed + served in a decentralized manner too.

💻 AOS gets a web client

Screenshot of aosweb.arweave.net.

The operating system used to access and deploy processes AO can now accessed right in your web browser with aosweb.arweave.net.

This is great news for developers and others who may want to use a different UI for deploying and managing their AO applications rather than through the terminal.

We also have the excellent BetterIDEa which acts as an entire web-based IDE for writing and deploying AO processes - it includes packages, guides for unit testing, integrations with Protocol Land (a decentralized GitHub alternative) and more.

Both are great options for exploring AO development in a GUI, with better quality of life features such as deploying from ArConnect easily if you needed to do so.

Oh, yeah - and the client itself is hosted and served on Arweave.

Check it out at aosweb.arweave.net.

🚌 AO tours Asia

Poster for the Hyper Parallel 2024 tour. Has large text "HYPER PARALLEL" and "2024". Has a drawing of a sphere split in two with chips running across it. Has information about Arweave/AO in Chinese.

Patrick Skinner, lead DevRel at Forward Research, is going to be meeting permaweb builders and hosting talks and workshops across seven cities in Asia.

This is great for those who want to get involved in the Arweave and AO ecosystem.


outprog, a long time builder and pioneer in the Arweave ecosystem, wrote a piece on AO's tokenomics and how it might favour developers and builders over miners like traditional blockchains.

Check it out here.

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The Longview Team

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