ArSwap Trading Pairs, Arweave Berlin, AOVM

Welcome to this week’s Arweave Weekly Digest. In this issue we’ll discuss some upcoming Arweave events (some sooner rather than later), new ao Computer releases, and community infrastructure being built around network.


Welcome to this week’s Arweave Weekly Digest.

In this issue we’ll discuss some upcoming Arweave events (some sooner rather than later), new ao Computer releases, and community infrastructure being built around network.

Let’s get into it!

Weekly Digest

ao 🤝 ai with AOVM

AOVM logo in top left with text AOVM. The AI layer blockchain built on AO. Large AOVM text in bottom right.

AOVM has recently been announced in the ao and Arweave scene, and seems to be the protocol for integrating LLMs such as Llama-3 into ao.

This is interesting as they are calling themselves a protocol - so this may sit on top of ao (and therefore Arweave) with its own consensus layer, and is taking inspiration from other L2 blockchains such as rollups.

Having a decentralized layer for AI is important, as it can help with issues such as content attribution and verifying the responses received by an LLM.

Not to mention it open up more opportunities for DeFi and AI, like Autonomous Finance’s DCA agents.

🛠️ Arweave Berlin and Arweave Day

Small Arweave logo in top left. Text "JUNE 7TH, 2024" and "BERLIN" underath it in middle left. Text "ARWEAVE DAY" in middle right. Grey rectangle shapes in center.

Arweave Day has been announced by Forward Research and will take place in Berlin on the 7th of June.

Sam Williams, the founder and CEO of Arweave, has also teased that there will be a big announcement on the 6th to continue growing the Permaweb.

All Arweave builders are welcome to attend - if you’re interested, drop an Arweave builder a message.

🇮🇳 Bring On Arweave India Demo Day

Text "DEMODAY" in top left. Text in bottom left says "Tuesday May 28, 2024". Circled with arrows pointing to it. Text to the right of it reads "8:00 PM IST" and "10:30 AM ET". Arweave logo and text "arweave india" in bottom right.

Arweave India Demo Day links went out last week, open to anyone who wants to learn more about the 4 biggest projects coming out of Arweave India.

If you want to attend, meet the teams, and learn about some alpha in the Arweave/ao ecosystem, stop by.

Demo Day is on May 28th at 10:30AM EDT/8PM IST. Sign up here.

🐘 ArSwap, now with memecoins

Text "New trading pair on ArSwap!" with TRUNK and CREd lgos and the text "TRUNK/CRED". Large ArSwap logo in background. Small ArSwap logo in bottom middle of image.

ArSwap are building out DeFi on ao Computer. Recently they announced a new trading pair with $TRUNK, the first memecoin on ao.

It may seem like small steps, but we’re slowly seeing an entire DeFi ecosystem come to life on ao, which is awesome as it’s all backed up by Arweave and permanent storage.

ArSwap also supports wrapped $AR from aox_xyz and a number of other test tokens you can trade for $AOCRED.

They’ve also released some improvements to the ArSwap UX to make trading more efficient.


  • ao Computer has over 10,000 new users on testnet

  • SQLite query client released for ao

  • Weavers have announced they will be running a 24-hour hackathon in Berlin from the 6th to the 7th of June with up to $25,000 in prizes. You can register here.

  • KYVE Network archives over 1TB of Cronos data on Arweave

This Week’s Community Spotlight

@outprog_ar, everVision founder, made an insightful post on how ao has changed the decentralized computing landscape, and what it means for PermaSwap too.

Check it out here.

The Longview Insider Update

We’re working on v.2.0 of Rainbow Rabbit for the Arweave events in Berlin coming up.

Take a look at it here.

Plus, building out new wallet functionality that works with ao Computer, and working with Arweave India for Demo Day!

Thanks For Reading!

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