$400M onchain, A Turbo-powered Permaweb, and the arweave.net Gateway

Welcome to the Arweave Weekly Digest, where we discuss all the happenings on Arweave and AO in the last week.


Welcome to the Arweave Weekly Digest, where we discuss all the happenings on Arweave and AO in the last week.

This week's headlines: AO has $400MM of staked ETH locked onchain, ArDrive Turbo hits some big milestones, and Arweave's biggest gateway just became an AR.IO node. More on what this means for the ecosystem below.

Let's get into it!

Weekly Digest

💻 AO bridge deposits hits $400MM

AO logo and large text "$400,000,000" and small text underneath "USD".

AO has hit $400MM (USD value) of $stETH in deposits, surpassing the TVL of Aptos, NEAR, Fantom, Algorand, and more.

The craziest part of this?

Bridging was announced less than 2 weeks ago.

Yes, you read that right.

The reason for this is likely Arweave's tokenomics announcement, shortly before bridging rewards went live. It has a similar structure to Bitcoin and so those who get in "early" have a good opportunity to earn $AO.

The AO team have also said that staked $SOL will be available to bridge soon.

As always, this is not financial advice and isn't available to those residing in the US.

🏎️ Turbo uploads powering the Permaweb

A list of bars representing ArDrive's data uploaded. Title reads "Turbo Data Item Share of Total Weave Data Item Growth (2024)". Jan 94.5%, Feb 80.4%, Mar 59.2%, Apr 79.9%, May 80.5%.

ArDrive is one of the best projects built on Arweave and has been for a long time. They've created a Google Drive/Dropbox-like experience for file uploads - but they also run their own Arweave bundler.

Bundlers cache transactions and group them where they are settled on Arweave, effectively increasing its TPS to crazy high amounts. ArDrive Turbo, their bundler, has been responsible for the majority of data uploads to Arweave in recent months - almost hitting 4TiB of data uploaded in May.

Oh yeah, and it's completely open source - so if you want to integrate it, fork it, or do whatever else, ArDrive has got you covered.

Check out the tweet here.

🌐 Arweave.net gets nicknames and more

Screenshot of header on the website sam.arweave.net.

AR.IO recently announced that the arweave.net domain, which is the main Arweave gateway, is joining the AR.IO network.

Gateways serve and index Arweave content, so if one is unavailable you can use another.

The reason this is big news?

Now the main way to access data stored on Arweave can make use of ARNS!

For example, you can go to sam.arweave.net to see Sam Williams' web page.

DApps, websites, or even just single pieces of data can now be given a subdomain on one of the most recognizable links in the ecosystem - such as bazar.arweave.net, cookbook.arweave.net, and more.

Permanent content, served just like usual.


Some other happenings in the ecosystem:

This ones for the buildoors - check out Patrick Skinner's tutorial on getting started with AOS, the operating system for the AO super computer here.

The Longview Insider Update

This week we've been playing around with the idea of a fun leaderboard for people who have bridged $stETH to AO. If it's something you're interested in, leave a comment on this tweet!

Thanks for Reading!

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The Longview Team

This is not investment advice. No profit guarantees. If in the U.S., ensure compliance with U.S. laws and seek professional advice.

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